讲座信息 | 父母教养方式与子女时间偏好:来自中国随机控制实验的证据
—— 发布时间:2024-03-23 ——
【题 目】:父母教养方式与子女时间偏好:来自中国随机控制实验的证据(Parenting Style and Children’s Time Preference: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in China)
【时 间】:2024年3月26日(星期二),14:00-15:30
We test the causal impact of early childhood experiences on children’s time preference. The randomized home visiting program is aimed at improving caregivers’ knowledge of child development and child-rearing practices. Analyzing the impact of a weekly home visiting program for approximately 500 households living in poor rural villages in China, we find a significantly positive impact on preschool children’s patience measured two years after treatment. The intervention has a significant and lasting impact on parenting style but no persistent effect on other likely intermediating factors. Our findings are consistent with the literature in developmental psychology, which suggests child-rearing practices such as parenting style is a major determinant of children’s time preference. We also find the impact of the early childhood intervention on children’s patience is more prominent if the treated samples are girls, left-behind children cared by grandparents, children in families with high socioeconomic status and less harsh parenting style, and children of high cognition.
陈佳莹,中国人民大学应用经济学院副教授,于香港科技大学获得社会科学博士学位,主要研究兴趣包括发展经济学、劳动经济学。学术论文发表在Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,Journal of Comparative Economics,Energy Policy,《经济学动态》等国内外权威期刊上。主持国家自然科学基金资助青年项目“精准扶贫影响教育不平等的研究”。